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Writer's picturekokabeauty

Moisturising Rose Oil Spray For Face & Body

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

I'm so happy to share this recipe with you!! I'm a strong believer that healthy, glowing skin should be straight forward and accessible to everybody!

This rose oil spray is my go to beauty item and it's so cheap and easy to make! I apply it to my hair, face and body throughout the day. It has a strong, super feminine smell- every time I use it, I feel like I am papering myself!

The mixture is clear and super light... but moisturising at the same time. It absorbs into the skin quickly, leaving a beautiful sheen.

Whether you have dry, normal or oily skin it needs moisture. Moisture improves the condition of the skin making it's texture softer. Well moisturised skin also shines well well!

The great other great thing about this rose oil spray is that it has no preservatives or added chemicals in it.

As well as spritzing myself during the day whenever I need a pick me up, I use this spray at night-time in the place of a toner after cleansing my face with oil. I do not use soap or water to cleanse. I use this rose spray to remove excess oil residue. If you would like a recipe for cleansing oil let me know!

I've given this recipe in ratios, so you can make as much or little as you need depending on the area of your body you wish to apply it to.

The secret to this recipe is rose water. Rose is made from distilled rose petals. Rose water is inexpensive and widely available to purchase in the supermarket or online. It's widely used to flavour sweet, savoury dishes and beverages.

It contains a lot of moisture and smells so, so good! No matter what climate you live in, it's usually possible to find roses. Only one or two roses are needed, just check that they have a fragrance that is pleasing to you first. Not all roses have a scent- especially those sold in the scent shortens the bloom time of the flower. If you can't find fresh rose petals, its not a big deal, you can leave them out.

Here is a quick instructional video on how to make rose oil.

Most of the time I use grapeseed oil in this mixture as it has a light weight and is absorbed by the skin quickly. If you have very dry skin or wish to focus on areas like the elbows, knees and feet, you could substitute almond oil for apricot oil instead. It might take a bit longer to 'soak in' but your skin will thank you for it.

If you can't get hold of grape seed oil, almond oil is equally light, nourishing and good.

I hope you enjoy trying this rose oil spray!

If you decide to give this recipe a go, please share your thoughts, pictures and recipe tweaks. Good luck!




Step 1.

Cleanse the rose petals (if using) gently in water and pat dry (its important no moisture is present which could encourage bacteria growth as the rose petals infuse in the oil).

Step 2.

Tear the rose petals gently and place them in a clean jar. Cover with oil and leave them to infuse into the oil at room temperature for 1-2 days.

Step 3

Strain the rose petal/oil mixture. Discard the petals and put the rose oil aside.

Step 4.

Pour the rosewater into a clean spray bottle and add 2 tablespoons of the reserved rose oil (or more to your taste).

Step 5.

Add 1-2 drops rose essential oil (if using).

Step 6.

Shake well before use.

Step 7.

Spray liberally over hair, face and skin at your leisure! This mixture is good for 3 months. For an extra pick me up, you can store this spray in the fridge.

I always spray my skin with this rose oil to remove the residue from face masks and also excess oil from oil cleansing. If you would to know more about oil cleaning or would like the recipe for oil cleanser as well, let me know!



I'm very passionate about the management of autoimmune conditions in a healthy way.

I speak with medical professionals, read journals, try and test new recipes to share with you and diligently undertake research online. That being said, as you know, each autoimmune disease, as well as any set of symptoms you may be experiencing are unique.

All information provided is in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to ensure the appropriateness of any information in relation to your own situation.

And finally, please comment and share so we as a community better cope with our conditions by through growth and learning.

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